Zero Bldg.
Sunday, April 24, 2005

I've finished my demo! Recorded the last two songs after coming home from Austin Yeatman's memorial service, which actually turned out to be quite a party. I talked to an old friend, Ian, remembering how we all met him playing bad music in the pizza place next to Barefoot Bubba's back in high school. He will be missed.

I've gotta finish designing the packaging now, which should be ready by Monday. Also posted a new song, it's called "No Sun".

1] Int'l Ukulele All-Star Touring Circuit
2] No Sun
3] Everyone Goes Home In October
4] An Objective Look at a Family Album
5] Continental 48
6] The Document Has Moved

I'ma burn a mess of these. They'll be $5. So email me and show a thug some love.

On a possibly unrelated note, why do I have "Material Girl" stuck in my head?
Friday, April 15, 2005
Vox Humana

My brother has started a blog where he will no doubt post a lot of detail and ephemera on organ music that I will at once find fascinating and incomprehensible.

EDIT: Re: Nick's comment down there, yeah, he's taken it down. I know he's got juries in a couple weeks and he's got music to learn and ensembles to accompany and the like so yeah, he's busy with more important matters. I will be leaving the link up on the sidebar in hopes that he'll get back to it sooner than later. Good luck Nick.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
A review of Donald Whitehead's Plants and Burials album will be here soon. In the meantime, visit his website and bug him to post mp3s.
Monday, April 04, 2005

Does anyone else wish Steve Guttenberg would write his autobiography and call it The Guttenberg Bible?

Just me, huh? That's fine.
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