Zero Bldg.
Everyone in Barongsbarong: [ba-RONG] Tagalog; a garment made of pineapple fiber, often ornately woven, is nearly transparent and ventilated with gaps made by the patterns woven into it.
During the centuries-long Spanish colonialization of the Philippines, native Filipinos were made to wear the coarse garments as a sign of lower class. Slits along the sides prevented them from being tucked in and the transparency of the material prevented the concealment of weapons. After the Philippines gained independence from Spain, America and Japan in 1953, President Ramon Magsaysay declared the garment to be the national formal dress.
I've gone and written a love poem. It's about getting shot.
I'm still working on it, but there are a couple stanzas I'm really liking, so here's a bit of a teaser:
Over a simple meal our
eyes and words strayed
to the thin crescent of elm
still on the floor. “Do you
even have arrows for that
“Don’t you worry?”
At this I smiled, took your
soft hand in mine. “About
Tremors of laughter roiled through you.
Relays of noise
to motion
screaming giggles connected us and
I lay helpless, smiling
at your shaking
drunken mercy.
Is anyone out there?