Zero Bldg.
Monday, September 13, 2004
Continuous Hit Muzak

I'm not sure about all this Ivan business. Landfall Tuesday, then Thursday... but only as a tropical storm. Half a week respite and the weather's back to its gloomy self.

Lately I've been picking through my cds, listening to stuff I may not have been altogether fair towards the first time around. Today's second chance went to American Analog Set's Promise of Love. I still don't really like it, but after today I'm at least a bit sympathetic.
Objections first: Promise of Love is really just a repetitive wash of ideas that never really come to a head. Drums click by at an even gait, synths swell and recede, the guitars lope along, barely keeping up with the vibes. It's like someone's holding a pillow over Macha's creativity.
Yet today... today the overcast sky and the tire spray on my windshield seemed to suggest and even welcome amanset's codeine anthems. The music worked as a soundtrack in that it did not have hopes of transforming my surroundings. It was a rainy day, and amanset was alright with that, they just wanted to make the wet breeze pleasant. So it worked fine as a non-distracting background to the tiresome chore of driving in the rain. Still after a couple spins through, its overcast became as dull as the sky still spitting on me, or as the brown-white packaging it came in. You can only compliment the rain for so long before it soaks you too.
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