Zero Bldg.
Thursday, April 29, 2004

'Allo! Sixteen (!!!) hours in a VW Toureg with mom, Tita Alice and Lola later, and I'm in Sterling Heights, MI. It's now 11.25 pm (but this pc clock reads 21:26. I think it's messed up).

Soundtrack for the ride up I-75 was an odd mix of silence, Charlotte Church, Big Band jazz, the Shins, the Mountain Goats, classic rock and oldies radio. I'm hoping that while I'm here, I'll get ahold of some of that scary Detroit Techno I've been hearing about. Also, Whistler's Mother is at the Detroit Art Museum, so I think we're heading paint-wise on Tuesday.

But tomorrow a buncha Filipinos are converging on Marquette in the UP to see cousin Amanda gradiate... gratuitate... graduate. Yeah, eight more hours in a car! Bring It ON!

And tonight, I'm going drankin with cousin Aaron. More on my exploits as they are exploited.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Futility Watch Finally Over!

The fifth and final rejection letter has arrived as unceremonious a fashion as the slip of 20# white it's printed on.

I refer of course to Quarter After Eight, who have just rejected the... second draft? of a story titled Negatives.

I don't feel the least bit defeated by these five (count 'em!) paltry rejections, only a bit tired at the prospect of going through the routine of (possibly) writing fresh material, rewrites, revisions, copies, collating, mailing and waiting for another season. I need to get out and travel a bit before I can bear that drudgery again.

There's always self-publishing, which I am already becoming adept at. Alls I need now is a reliable means of distribution and collection.

Thank you for sharing this run of defeat with me. Good night.
Thursday, April 08, 2004
For those that didn't get the email (and the ratio of folks on my email list to folks who read Zero Bldg. is pretty even, so this is really just to satisfy my own OCD-like need to keep those around me informed of my existence), here's the skinny:

Art Fix: Thursday, April 22nd (not, in fact, the 15th)
Starring Me and Melissa
(Jeff and Danielle will be contributing to the exhibit in the following week, though they will be attending so you can gaze upon their beauty).
Mayfair Hall, 6:30 PM (not, in fact, 7:30)

Hope you can make it.
Saturday, April 03, 2004

You're Prufrock and Other Observations!

by T.S. Eliot

Though you are very short and often overshadowed, your voice is poetic
and lyrical. Dark and brooding, you see the world as a hopeless effort of people trying
to impress other people. Though you make reference to almost everything, you've really
heard enough about Michelangelo. You measure out your life with coffee spoons.

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

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